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Spotlight on RVMS

Genius Hour Making RVMS Even Better

Mrs. Frericks’ 7th and 8th Grade Genius Hour Class is making huge impacts on our school and community.  Here is a list of the current projects they are finalizing:

  1. Collecting donations and volunteering at the Marion Area Humane Society

  2. Creating games and activities for residents of Kingston of Marion

  3. Formation of an art club, the Art Factory, where students can come together to create and learn about art together in a safe space

  4. Landscaping and beautification of the space outside the 6th grade wing

  5. Teaching a lesson in Viking classes about empathy for students of various financial backgrounds

  6. Building a website for the Marion Area Humane Society to teach owners how to properly care for their pets, especially the ones who are frequently returned to the shelter

  7. Providing a group where the middle school football players can come together to work on teambuilding and skills to improve their practices and game outcomes

  8. Creating a booklet for teenagers to help them understand hospice and EMT care

  9. Doing environmental work at the Eco Center to get rid of invasive, harmful plant species.

  10. Working with a hospital to create informational material to promote nurse’s training and to increase the workforce

  11. Starting a raffle in the middle school commons to encourage and reward appropriate behavior

  12. Hosting a low-cost, low-budget baseball camp for younger students at On Deck Athletics in Marion where all proceeds will be donated to a local charity

RVMS Enjoys Friday Games

Games 1 9-13

After a long week of hard work, RVMS Viking Classes enjoyed a period of fun, games and competition. Classes competed with each other this week with a beanbag toss. Winning classes won a prize. Thank you to Miss Klingel for organizing this week's game.


Parent Drop Off / Pick Up

Parent drop off and pick up each day are to be conducted out front of RVMS via the drop off line. Parents are asked not to drop students off in the staff parking lots located at the high school or middle school, or the bus lot out back of the middle school. Thank you for your cooperation.


Youth Basketball Registration

First page of the PDF file: RVYB2024-2025Registration_1

PBIS Rewards

Our School is using PBIS Rewards to help us with our PBIS program. PBIS Rewards is a technology-based PBIS Management System that helps us with our behavior incentive program. You can learn about PBIS Rewards at their website ( PBIS Rewards has a Family App that will give you some insight into how your child is doing with respect to our PBIS program. The Family App will run on most smart devices, including smartphones and tablets. You can find it in the iPhone/iPad App Store, Google Play, and the Amazon App Store. Just search for "PBIS Rewards Family."

If you have a valid parent email listed in Final Forms, a message from PBIS Rewards should have arrived in your inbox at some point Friday morning including a specific QR link to your child's account.

Once you have installed the app, you can scan the QR Code. You will have to confirm your relationship to your student by certifying that you are a parent or guardian. Once you have done this you will be able to see your student's progress with PBIS Rewards.


8th Grade DC Trip Information

Any parent who missed the Washington, DC parent meeting, click the link to find registration information or the financial assistance request form.


7th Grade Vaccinations

Attention 7th grade students: The State of Ohio requires all students to have required vaccinations or a vaccination waiver to attend a public school. 7 th graders are required to have a Tdap booster and a meningococcal vaccine. Please provide a copy of your current vaccination record to include these required vaccines asap. If proof of vaccinations or a vaccination waiver is not received by October 1 st ,2024, students will be excluded from attending school until such documentation is received. All absences are unexcused.Please contact your primary care physician or the Local Health Department for assistance.Documentation may be dropped off in the middle school office or emailed to the nurse


Viking P.R.I.D.E. - PBIS

River Valley Middle School will be using the Viking P.R.I.D.E. rubric to support our PBIS system. Students who are showing appropriate behaviors from the rubric may earn points via the PBIS App. These points can later be exchanged for class rewards or if students earn enough points, the end of the quarter reward. If you have not already downloaded the PBIS App., please do so. Parents will be able to sign up for updates when your student received points for recognized behaviors.

First page of the PDF file: Viking PRIDE rubric

Important Upcoming Dates

Mumkin Pickup - Sept 16 - 4-6 in MS Staff parking lot

7th / 8th Grade Volleyball vs Ontario Sept 16 5:00

No School - Teacher PD Day Sept. 18

7th / 8th Grade Volleyball at Pleasant Sept 18 5:00

RVMS Phone Parent-Teacher Conferences - Sept. 19

7th / 8th Grade Football vs Pleasant - Sept 19

MS/HS Band Concert - Oct. 2

Prime Time 2 Hr Delay - Oct. 4


School Menus